+ Wood

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Resourceful Creator


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is water and your secondary archetype is wood. This makes you The Resourceful Creator. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build relationships.

+ Metal

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Reliable Analyst


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Earth and your secondary archetype is Metal. This makes you The Reliable Analyst. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.

+ Earth

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Reflective Confidant


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Water and your secondary archetype is Earth. This makes you The Reflective Confidant. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.
+ Water

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Radiant Provider


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Fire and your secondary archetype is Water. This makes you The Radiant Provider. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.
+ Wood

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Patient Speedster


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Earth and your secondary archetype is Wood. This makes you The Patient Speedster. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.
+ Earth

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Masterful Ally


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Metal and your secondary archetype is Earth. This makes you The Masterful Ally. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.
+ Fire

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Loyal Cheerleader


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Earth and your secondary archetype is Fire. This makes you The Loyal Cheerleader. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.

+ Water

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Logical Visionary


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Wood and your secondary archetype is Water. This makes you The Logical Visionary. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.
+ Fire

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Intuitive Luminiary


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Water and your secondary archetype is Fire. This makes you The Intuitive Luminiary. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.
+ Fire

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Innovative Idealist


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Wood and your secondary archetype is Fire. This makes you The Innovative Idealist. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.
+ Water

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Focused Visionary


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Metal and your secondary archetype is Water. This makes you The Focused Visionary. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.
+ Metal

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Flexible Rule Maker


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Wood and your secondary archetype is Metal. This makes you The Flexible Rule Maker. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.
+ Earth

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Energetic Protector


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Fire and your secondary archetype is Earth. This makes you The Energetic Protector. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.

+ Wood

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Efficient Producer


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Metal and your secondary archetype is Wood. This makes you The Efficient Producer. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.
+ Fire

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Dedicated Enthusiast


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Metal and your secondary archetype is Fire. This makes you The Dedicated Enthusiast. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.
+ Metal

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Caring Perfectionist


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Water and your secondary archetype is Metal. This makes you The Caring Perfectionist. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.
+ Water

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Calm Connector


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Earth and your secondary archetype is Water. This makes you The Calm Connector. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.
+ Metal

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Warm Hearted Loner


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Fire and your secondary archetype is Metal. This makes you The Warm Hearted Loner. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.
+ Earth

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Thriving Manifestor


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Wood and your secondary archetype is Earth. This makes you The Thriving Manifestor. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.
+ Wood

Check Superhero Stats

You are:

Spontaneous Initiator


Based on your responses, your primary archetype is Fire and your secondary archetype is Wood. This makes you The Spontaneous Initiator. Keep reading to get to know my recommendations on how you can become your best self and build harmonious relationships.

As a Resourceful Creator you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…

Water nourishes Wood, and together they work synergistically to stimulate growth. When you are in balance, you are creative, thriving, and energetic, and you make great progress on your goals.

The challenge is…

Since Wood drains Water, it’s important to take time to nurture both elements and not depend solely on Wood to be the energy generator and make all the progress.

In other words, if you are overly active with too much Wood energy (constantly on the go, striving for success, working on being efficient, and focusing on productivity) and do not get enough downtime, rest, and time for reflection, which Water needs, you suffer from burnout.

If, however, you are too laid back and get out of active mode, you lack the stimulus you need to be successful in the way you envision.

As a Reliable Analyst you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…

Earth supports Metal and together they create sustainability. Like that, when you are in balance, you are resilient, unshakeable.

The challenge is…

Since Metal also drains Earth, it’s important to nurture both elements and not depend on Earth to be the energy generator.

If too much emphasis is placed on Earth qualities (staying safe, being compassionate and conservative) and not enough on Metal qualities (being creative and open to change), which Metal thrives on, you suffer from stagnation and lack of progress.

If, however, you are over- controlling, you shut off the flow you need to attain your personal goals..

As a Reflective Confidant you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…


Earth and Water together create stability, so when you are in balance, you are poised and calm.

The challenge is…

Since Earth can also slow the flow of Water, it’s important to take time to nurture both elements and not overdo one or the other.

If Earth energy starts dominating, you feel stuck and unable to move forward in new and dynamic ways—you’re stuck in a rut.

If there is too much Water energy and not enough Earth, which Water needs to keep it from draining away, you lose your center and are not able to draw strong boundaries around your time and energy.

As a Radiant Provider you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…


Fire and Water together create steam, so you are powerful and dynamic when balanced.

The challenge is…

Since Fire can also be put out by Water, it’s important to nurture both elements and not overdo one or the other.

If you are too active and don’t get enough downtime for rest and rejuvenation, which Water needs, you suffer from depletion and burnout.

If, on the other hand, you spend too much time alone, you lack the stimulus you need to be creative and inspired.

As a Patient Speedster you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…


Together, Wood (think “tree”) and Earth create a foundation for productivity, growth, and manifestation, so when you are in a balanced state, you are stable and energetic and able to get things done.

The challenge is…

Since Wood can also drain all the energy from Earth, it’s important to take time to nurture both elements and not overdo one or the other.

If you are on the go too much (Wood energy) and don’t give yourself enough routine, which Earth needs, you suffer from distraction and ineffectiveness.

If, however, you get too comfortable (Earth), you get stuck and are unable to break out of ruts because you lack the stimulus you need to get things moving.

As a Masterful Ally you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…


Earth supports Metal and together they create sustainability, so when you are in balance, you are resilient and unshakeable.

The challenge is…

Since Metal also uses up the nutrients from Earth, it’s important to take time to nurture both elements and not depend on Earth to be the energy generator.

If too much emphasis is placed on Earth qualities (staying safe, being compassionate and conservative) and not enough on Metal qualities (being creative and open to change), which Metal thrives on, you suffer from stagnancy and lack of progress.

If, however, you are over- controlling, you shut off the flow you need to attain your personal goals.

As a Loyal Cheerleader you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…


Fire supports Earth and together they create a fertile foundation, so when you are in balance, you have energy to sustain yourself and create from a strong foundation.

The challenge is…

Since Earth can also suffocate Fire, it’s important to take time to nurture both elements and not depend on Fire to be the energy generator.

If you are overactive with too much Fire activity (on the go all the time) and not enough reflection and rejuvenation, which Earth needs, you suffer from burnout and energy drain.

If however, you lack the stimulus you need to be creative, you will get stuck in an uncomfortable state of inertia that leaves you unproductive.

As a Logical Visionary you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…


Water supports Wood, and together they work synergistically to stimulate growth. When you are in balance, you are creative, thriving, energetic, and make great progress on your goals.

The challenge is…

Since Wood drains Water, it’s important to take time to nurture both elements and not depend on Wood to be the energy generator and make all the progress.

In other words, if you are over-active with too much Wood energy (constantly on the go, striving for success, working on efficiency, focusing on productivity) without sufficient downtime for rest and reflection, which Water needs, you suffer from burnout.

If, however, you are too laid back and drop out of active mode, you lack the stimulus you need to be successful in the way that you envision.

As an Intuitive Luminiary you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…


Fire and Water together create steam, so when you are in a balanced state, you are powerful and dynamic.

The challenge is…

Since Fire also can be put out by Water, it’s important to take time to nurture both elements and not overdo one or the other.

If you are excessively active, and if you do not get enough downtime and rejuvenation, which Water needs, you suffer from depletion and burnout.

However, if you spend too much time alone, you lack the stimulus you need to be creative and inspired.

As an Innovative Idealist you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…


Wood supports Fire and together they create light, heat, and energy, so when you are in a state of balance, you are lighting up the world, generating positivity, and moving things forward

The challenge is…

Since Fire also consumes Wood, it’s important to stay in balance by taking time to nurture both elements and not depend entirely on Wood to be the energy generator.

You’ll experience frustration, impatience, and anger if you are over-active with too much Wood, which means you are taking too much time to plan, organize, talk, and think without incorporating enough spontaneity and leaving a bit to chance (which Fire needs).

On the other hand, if you just go with whatever catches your attention without strategizing, you will lack the focus and control to be optimally productive and enthusiastic, and that will drain you.

As a Focused Visionary you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…


Metal supports Water, and so, when you are balanced, you are able to effortlessly begin new projects and take them to completion. The Metal element within you helps you detach. The Water element within helps you stay connected.

The challenge is…

However, since Metal can be eroded by Water, when you are out of balance, you will experience nervousness and insecurity, lose your ability to stay connected, and feel the need to withdraw.

As a Flexible Rule Maker you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…


Metal and Wood together break things down (think of the metal blade of an axe chopping a tree), so when you are in balance, you are able to make a lot of progress and break up challenges or tasks into bite-size pieces for ease of forward movement.

The challenge is…

Since Wood can also destroy Metal, it’s important to take time to nurture both elements and not overdo one or the other.

If you move too quickly and don’t take time to think things through, which is important to your Metal side, you’ll suffer from self-judgment when things turn out less than acceptably by your standards, and you’ll find it difficult to take confident future action.

On the other hand, if you spend too much time trying to get every detail perfect, you won’t get anywhere and will end up frustrated.

As an Energetic Protector you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…


Fire supports Earth, and together they create a fertile foundation. When you are in balance, you energize and sustain yourself and create from a strong foundation.

The challenge is…

Since Earth can also drain Fire, it’s important to take time to nurture both elements and not depend only on Fire to be the energy generator.

If you have too much Fire activity (on the go all the time) and not enough reflection and rejuvenation, which Earth needs, you will suffer from burnout and energy drain.

But if you lack the stimulus you need to be creative, you will be unproductive, stuck in an uncomfortable state of inertia.

As an Efficient Producer you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…


Together, Metal and Wood break things down (think of the metal blade of an axe chopping Wood), so when you are in balance, you are able to make a lot of progress, breaking challenges or tasks into bite-size pieces for ease of forward movement.

The challenge is…

Since Wood also can be destroyed by Metal, it’s important to take time to nurture both elements and not overdo one or the other.

If you move too quickly and don’t take the time to think things through, which is important to your Metal side, you’ll suffer from negative self- judgment when things turn out less than acceptably, and that will make it hard for you to take confident future action.

If, however, you spend too much time trying to get every detail perfect, you’ll not get anywhere and end up frustrated.

As a Dedicated Enthusiast you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…


Fire and Metal together can move obstacles. (Consider how Fire can turn a hard element like Metal into liquid). Therefore, when you are in balance, you have the unique ability to transform old structures into new forms. 

The challenge is…

Since Metal also can be destroyed by Fire, it’s important to take time to nurture both elements and not overdo one or the other. 

If you are overactive with too much emphasis on Fire (socializing, being out and about and doing too much) and not enough downtime for restoration, peace, and contemplation, which Metal needs, you suffer from ineffectiveness and burnout. 

On the other hand, if you spend too much time analyzing and thinking in solitude without enough social contact, you lack the stimulus you need to make progress.

As a Caring Perfectionist you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…


Metal supports Water, so when you are balanced, you are able to effortlessly begin new projects and take them to completion. The Metal element within you helps you detach. The Water element within helps you stay connected. 

The challenge is…

Since Water can drain Metal, when you are out of balance, you will experience nervousness and insecurity and lose your ability to stay connected, and then need to withdraw.

As a Calm Connector you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…



Earth and Water together create stability, so when you are in balance, you are poised and calm. 

The challenge is…

Since Earth can also slow the flow of Water, it’s important to take time to nurture both elements and not overdo one or the other. 

If Earth energy begins to dominate, you feel stuck in a rut, unable to move forward in new and dynamic ways. 

If there is too much Water energy and not enough Earth, which Water needs to keep it from draining away, you lose your center and are not able to draw strong boundaries around your time and energy. 

As a Warm Hearted Loner you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…



Fire and Metal together can move obstacles. Think how Fire can turn a hard element like Metal into liquid. When you are in balance, you have the unique ability to transform old structures into new forms.

The challenge is…

Since Metal also can be destroyed by Fire, it’s important to nurture both elements and not overdo one or the other. 

If you are overactive with too much emphasis on Fire (socializing, being out and about, and doing too much), you suffer from ineffectiveness and burnout. Metal needs downtime for contemplation, restoration, and peace and contemplation. 

However, if you spend too much time analyzing and thinking by yourself without enough social contact, you lack the stimulus you need to make progress. 

As a Thriving Manifestor you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…



Wood (think “tree”) and Earth together create a foundation for productivity, growth, and manifestation, so when you are in a state of balance, you are stable and energetic and able to get things done. 

The challenge is…

Since Wood can also drain all the energy from Earth, it’s important to take time to nurture both elements and not overdo one or the other. 

If you are on the go too much (Wood energy) and don’t give yourself enough routine, which Earth needs, you suffer from distraction and ineffectiveness. 

If, however, you get too comfortable (Earth), you get stuck, unable to break out of a rut, and you lack the stimulus you need to get things moving. 

As a Spontaneous Initiator you are…

Your Elemental Balance is…



Wood supports Fire and together they create light, heat, and energy, so when you are in balance, you light up the world, generating positivity and moving things forward.


The challenge is…

Since Wood can also be consumed by Fire, it’s important to nurture both elements to remain in balance and not depend on Wood to be the energy generator. 

You’ll experience frustration, impatience, and anger when you are over-active with too much Wood, which means you are taking too much time to plan, organize, talk, and think. Fire needs spontaneity and a bit of chance. 

On the other hand, if you just go with whatever catches your attention without strategizing, you will lack the focus and control you need to be optimally productive and enthusiastic, and that will drain you.

My biggest recommendation for you…

Take time to reflect and renew.

Something inside you wants to keep going, but just as important as movement is rest.

Make sure you cease all activity and let yourself “do nothing” from time to time, as this is when the ideas and inspiration flow.

As a resourceful creator, your biggest asset is your ability to envision new ideas that could change the world. That’s why it’s so important for you to make sure your idea muscle is well rested and strong.

My biggest recommendation for you…

Share your values and what’s important to you with others. 

It may seem like you’re always helping people out and that can be draining. However, it’s important to realize the value of building close connections that are there for you as well.

For people to understand and relate to you better, you need to share your values and what’s important to you with others.

This will help you take your relationships to a brand new level of connection and intimacy.


My biggest recommendation for you…

Remember, not everyone understands “connection.”

While your Superhero Archetype makes you an extremely harmonious and well liked person, it can also cause you to feel disappointed when others don’t return the same energy.

Remind yourself that it has nothing to do with you.

Some people are more practical and pragmatic and don’t place as much importance on building deep connections as you. Focus your energy on those who return the same to you – and respect the rest for their decision.

This will allow you to have much more fulfilling relationships.

My biggest recommendation for you…

Trust your ideas.

You may have ideas and goals that are loftier and brighter than most are used to. 

This can cause people to get surprised and criticize your ideas before you even start.

Don’t let this get to you. If something feels right in your heart, no matter what others may or may not say, trust your intuition and move forward.

My biggest recommendation for you…

Push yourself to say no once in a while. 

You like to please, you like to “be doing,” and at times you overextend.

Remind yourself that it’s okay to say no.

This is particularly true when you’re working in a collaborative setting. Make sure there is clarity as to who is responsible for what so that you don’t shoulder most of the workload and build resentment.

My biggest recommendation for you…

Learn about the goals of people you care about. 

You have the ability to help others be successful. When you nurture people by helping them get what they want in life, you are fulfilled. This is the ultimate source of contentment for you – and with your personality, it’s a piece of cake to achieve. 

My biggest recommendation for you…

Encourage others whenever you can. 

Your ability to be sincere in your praise helps others accept what you say as truth. Intentionally learn as much as you can about the people you meet, as this will catalyze trusting relationships. 

My biggest recommendation for you…

Leverage your knowledge. 

You are excellent at collecting and retaining information. This is what will help you find success in your career and life. 

Be open to using what you know to help others succeed. Sharing information with others will help you feel fulfilled and content in your life. 

My biggest recommendation for you…

Remember that your attitude is contagious. 

People in your life have likely come to see that you are a great support to them. You are enthusiastic and energetic when they are down or are afraid of making a change. 

Your attitude is what helps them continue on. Over time, people will start to look to you for your wisdom and inspiration.

My biggest recommendation for you…

Protect your buoyant energy. 

As a Innovative Idealist, people are naturally drawn to your energy. But that doesn’t mean they all deserve the same. Some people drain your energy – particularly if they’re discouraging about your wild ideas. 

Minimize your time with people who are not on the same page as you. When you feel tired and lethargic, ask yourself if you’ve outgrown some of the people you hang around with.

My biggest recommendation for you…

Share your calmness and certainty. 

When things are chaotic, it’s easy for those involved to worry and get distracted. Letting others know that everything is going to be okay helps them to feel comforted and secure.

Sharing chaotic experiences with people is also at the core of building a deep relationship. This will help you make meaningful connections with people who share the same values as you.

My biggest recommendation for you…

Establish order in your life. 

If you feel frustrated because you are not productive, take time to purchase some organizational systems. Order is necessary for you. You need to have a place for everything in your environment to support optimal progress.

My biggest recommendation for you…

Establish order in your life. 

If you feel frustrated because you are not productive, take time to purchase some organizational systems. Order is necessary for you. You need to have a place for everything in your environment to support optimal progress.

Some people take time to become comfortable around others. They may take you as over-eager and write you off. To avoid that, give these people time to become comfortable around you before you go all in.

My biggest recommendation for you…

Concentrate on your priorities. 

You do best when you restrict your focus to only a few initiatives and demands. Give yourself permission to reject everything else that is offered. This will build your credibility with others, who will trust your sense of value.

My biggest recommendation for you…

Give yourself permission. 

You might feel that you need to spring into action and embrace change head on, but instead, you need to deliberate and acclimate to any changes. Give yourself time to contemplate.

My biggest recommendation for you…

Focus on a few things at a time. 

You function best when you can focus on your top priorities rather than operate in a broad and shallow way. Give yourself permission to reject projects or tasks that don’t align with your overall vision and goals.

My biggest recommendation for you…

Draw people together when there is conflict. 

When you are mitigating conflict, ask others to share their thoughts. You have the ability to be the harmonizer and move things in a different direction.

My biggest recommendation for you…

Be strategic in how you use your energy. 

You have the ability to create motion and momentum in others. However, this energy is limited as an extroverted introvert. Make sure you are wise about where you “spend” it so you don’t overextend.

My biggest recommendation for you…

Reassure others often. 

Even though you are a mover and shaker, you have the ability to calm others in the midst of chaotic daily events, and they look to you as a protector.

Helping others in situations like this is the key to building a deep and lasting connection – and will help you find contentment and fulfilment in life.

My biggest recommendation for you…

Openly share your challenges. 

People may think that your life is all roses because of your optimism. Make sure that you let them know that you have difficulties, as well. You make the most difference when people see that you are human, too. 

This is the key to building a deep and lasting connection – and will help you find contentment and fulfilment in life. 

Want to learn more about your SuperHero archetype?

I created a detailed 11 page report for Resourceful Creators like you. This is the most powerful weapon to become your best self.
Inside the report, you’ll find…

Your personal virtues and superpowers: These are the biggest strengths you need to leverage to become your best self (Page 5)

My top 5 recommendations for your superhero archetype: This will stop you from making the most common mistakes in your type… (Page 6)

Your life affirmation: This is the affirmation that every Resourceful Creator should live by for ultimate success and happiness. (Page 7)

Elemental energy balancing activities: You know that when your elements are out of balance, things start going downhill – FAST. This is where you learn how to keep your elements in balance. (Page 7)

…and much more!

The golden nuggets in this report are enough to prepare you for anything that life throws at you.

By the end of the report, you’ll know exactly how to keep your elements in check to live a life of happiness and fulfilment.

You can get access to this report right here on this page for just $19.99

Click the button below to get yours.

Create A Life Of Fulfillment & Happiness By Mastering Your Superpowers

If you want to live a more enlightened life with richer relationships and deeper meaning, then you have to read the Master Your Superpowers book.

Now that you have a solid understanding of your own superhero archetype, this book will show you exactly how other archetypes function too…

Giving you the ability to build deeper and more meaningful relationships with the people in your life.

Ready to get started?

Represent Your Superhero Archetype With This Cool Merchandise

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